Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 3 - Saturday Night! (Is Bad for Dieting)

Day: 3
Current Weight: 263.9
Starting Weight: 265.4
Weight Loss: -1.5 pounds

I would like to blame Trader Joes (and their cheap, delicious wine, HBO, Verizon (for their HBO free preview weekend) and the makers of Treme for todays weight loss.

Last night turned into a veg in front of the TV kinda night. We blew through 6 episodes of Treme on HBOs free preview weekend while consuming beer, wine, pizza, a cannoli & Easter gummy bears.

This has always been my problem - I drink, and then I eat. A lot. I fell into the same trap last night and gained two and a half pounds because of it. And on top of it, i feel like crap this morning.

3 days, 1.5 pounds. 3 Days in and behind my goal is not a good start. Tonight will (hopefully) be a Disneyland trip - so this weight loss purpose will collide with the original intent of the blog. We'll see how that goes.

And who knows, maybe some Disney pictures will make they way into here. I'm sure those would be a welcome sight after so many shots of my tan-lined, hairy feet.

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